Network Fees
- Where can I find the full fee schedule & estimator?
- What fees does Hedera charge to use the network?
- Why do users need to pay for network services and why must they do so in hbars?
- How are Hedera transaction fees calculated?
- What do Hedera fees reflect?
- How are Hedera transaction fees broken out?
- How are the transfers and fees associated with a transaction published?
- How does the exchange rate impact transaction fees?
- What does a COST_ANSWER query return?
- Are there any free operations?
- How is Solidity gas accounted for in determing the fee for a smart contract operation?
- Deprecated - Who pays for threshold records?
- How many accounts are associated with an hbar transfer?
- How is the fee for a query paid?
- Why are transaction receipts free to request? But transaction records not?
- Why does a query have no network or service fee component?
- Why do transactions from a multi-signature account cost more?
- Do transaction fees account for ‘rent’?
- What happens if the account paying for the storage of some object in state runs out of hbars?
- How does auto renewal for accounts work?
- If a client provides more hbars in a transaction fee than required, do they get a ‘refund’?
- How often does pricing for transactions and queries change?
- Are Hedera transactions fees set in FIAT (USD) or HBAR?