After processing a transaction into consensus, the Hedera network nodes report the results of that transaction in a ‘record’. That record can be retrieved either directly by a query of a mainnet node or via a mirror node.
Amongst other information, a transaction record lists
- the total transaction fee paid
- a list of the net balance changes for any account impacted by the transaction - including the Hedera account 0.0.98 & node accounts receiving transaction fees
Note that if the transaction fails due to insufficient balance in the paying account, then the transaction fee will report what the total fee would have been
As an example, if account 0.0.1000 was sending 10,000,000 tinybar to account 0.0.2000, and the fee for this cryptotransfer was 250,000 tinybar, split with 240,000 tinybar going to 0.0.98, and 10,000 tinybar going to the node account 0.0.3 that submitted the transaction, then the transaction record would look like
transaction fee = 250,000
0.0.1000, -10,250,000
0.0.2000, 10,000,000
0.0.98, 240,000
0.0.3, 10,000
Note that all the transfers sum to zero.